TherMatek® Product developed & manufactured by M/S Ishaan Industries, Gujarat. Since the product development in 2006, we are the key representatives for Maharashtra to compete number of projects supplies.
A unique, patented, stand-alone over deck, multilayered, non-porous, dense, dry-look, and thermal insulation product designedto integrate seamlessly with the concrete roof system.
The product is manufactured to last a lifetime with a thoughtful balance of new patented technology and unique manufacturing process.
Beyond offering you decades of experience, we have example after example of proven performance all over the nation. Plus the most cost effective and long term solution for the attestation of conformity with ECBC / LEED / IGBC cool roof requirements. Plus our tiles are proven to reduce building cooling cost, saving you money while helping to protect the environment from the polluting effects of heat islands.
Building - integrated thermally insulated roofing system for new construction and retrofitting.
Over deck application ideal for – Residential, Commercial, Industrial building roofs insulation